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Partners & Networks

Forging Collaborative Pathways for Impact

We actively seek collaborations in EU funding programmes to bolster Europe's capacity for entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainable development. Our partnerships extend throughout Europe and beyond, nurturing innovation and entrepreneurial thought to address emerging challenges. With active participation in numerous networks, including leading the EUropreneurship Network, our extensive global network is committed to forging enduring, impactful partnerships.

Some of the Networks we Participate in

As a part of our commitment to fostering entrepreneurship, innovation and collaboration, we are proud members of 48 networks in Europe and abroad.

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for collaboration within iED’s

innovation ecosystem.

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partnership, innovation, and


within our vibrant


Partner with us

    Programmes (you can select more than one)*

    AMIFERASMUS+Horizon EuropeInterregOther

    Areas of Expertise (you can select more than one)*

    Agriculture & FoodEnvironmentBlue EconomyBioeconomy Natural ResourcesBusiness & start-ups supportCulture & CreativityClimate & Energy EfficiencyMobilityEducationHealthDigital TechnologiesInclusive SocietyAdvanced MaterialsYouthTourismPublic Procurement & AdministrationCivil Security for SocietyOther

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