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Diversity Management: How it Helps Disabled People in the Workspace

Diversity Management: How it Helps Disabled People in the Workspace

A crude definition of diversity management would be the administration of people, given that each person is a one of a kind blend of qualities. Taking into account the aforementioned concept, in the framework of a workplace, we refer to a policy, where equilibrium, between organization activities and the employees’ distinctiveness, is achieved. This type of management applies to people with disabilities as well.

The Social Context that Led to Diversity Management

Undoubtedly, it is a concept that pushes the labor market’s boundaries to a greater extent; hence, we refer to a more inclusive job market. However, a series of events led the landscape of the labor market to change. It appears that social changes, that have happened, drove the labor market to adapt to the occurring demands. In addition, workforce shortage led to the integration of disabled people, among other social groups. The job market expansion was favored by governments’ policies and the development of pertinent legislation that protect people from any kind of discrimination. Hence, there is some sort of intervention towards reducing social inequality. In addition, this management approach fosters individualization; hence, acknowledges the distinctiveness of each person.

First Steps of Integrating of Diversity Policies

The first steps for practical implementation of diversity policies, in the workplace framework, could be achieved by setting an action plan that includes the following components:

  • Developing the steps needed to achieve the organization’s goal.
  • Gathering pertinent information that will reinforce the effort of integrating this type of administration.
  • Elaborate on the collected information, in order to develop the organization’s framework.

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) acknowledges the significance of a more inclusive labor market, and how beneficial diversity management can be for an organization. Our institution participates in numerous European projects that support this concept. On this subject, “SKILLS+: European Skills Competition for people with a labour disability” is an Erasmus+ project that supports European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and focuses on people facing disabilities. For more information regarding this project, you can visit the official webpage.

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