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A Plan for Your Proposal Writing Process

A Plan for Your Proposal Writing Process

Proposal writing process for EU funding opportunities may seem a daunting task for beginners, because the submitted application must meet the evaluation criteria. However, here is a plan, of simple steps, to ease your way through your proposal writing.

Know the Subject You Are Dealing With

In-depth knowledge of the proposal’s subject is imperative; and, this boils down to conducting an extensive research of the topic’s spectrum. In addition, a mapping process that identifies the problems, along with the parameters that facilitate the manifestation of the issues, is included.

Define Your Proposal Idea

The collected material will help you form a complete perspective; and reflect on the subject. In this stage, the problems you have traced will become the reference point that correspond to potential solutions. This is the point, where you develop the idea that your proposal will represent.

Setting the Steps Towards the Overall Goal

Setting the deliverables is about developing a plan, which contains several successive steps that will eventually help you reach for the aim, you have set.

Organize a Strategic Approach

In this phase, where all the aforementioned stages are important parameters to consider, in order to devise the strategic plan you will present in your proposal.

Time for Schedule and Budget Planning

The subsequent step of organizing the approach, is setting deadlines and calculate the budget, that fulfills the project’s needs.

And the Proposal Writing Process Begins

All the aforementioned, are preparing you in order to make the writing stage possible. Compile all the information into your writing process; and achieve a structured proposal. However, proofreading is a significant step that you should not neglect, in this final stage; as, this is interpreted as a well-written proposal.

Our Experience at Your Disposal

The entire procedure demands highly developed organizational, analytical, critical skills, and creative thinking, among other qualities. However, if the proposal writing process may still be intimidating, due to the competitiveness and high standards of the evaluation procedure.

iED’s team of professionals is highly experienced on how to write a proposal for funding. Our institute provides services, which can facilitate the writing process. Among our services are: provision of pertinent information and suggestions; matchmaking assistance; proposal review; resubmission of old proposals; taking on the entire proposal writing.

We provide customized assistance to meet your demands and the set deadlines. If you are looking for a reliable service, with long-standing expertise on the entire writing process, do not hesitate to contact our team.

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