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Digital Competences and Employability: A Connection with Escalating Strength

Digital Competences and Employability: A Connection with Escalating Strength

The link between digital competences and employability proves to be strengthening over the years. Obviously, digital competences that reach certain levels of proficiency maximize the employability prospects.

The Interconnection Between Digital Competences and Employability

The need for digital skills proficiency, in professional contexts, has always been a necessity; however, digital transformation made this need imperative. In fact, the idea behind digital transformation is the integration of technology in the business world, no matter the area of the entrepreneurial activity. Embodying technology in the entrepreneurial world improves the companies’ activities, including customers’ experience; hence, this addition increases productivity and profit.

The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens

DigComp is short for digital competence framework for citizens, an EU initiative to introduce European citizens to necessary digital competences. In particular, the DigiComp 2.0 is an updated report that lists 21 competences. These digital skills correspond to the following areas:

  • Information and data literacy.
  • Communication and collaboration.
  • Digital content creation.
  • Safety.
  • And, problem solving.

In addition, the DigiComp 2.1 report is an extension of the digital competence framework and consists of 8 proficiency levels for each of the 21 competences identified in DigiComp 2.0.

In the overall spectrum of employability qualifications, digital skills proficiency is a necessity. In a nutshell, digital competences and employability are already indivisible aspects; and, digital transformation will only strengthen the connection between these two.

The European initiative DIG IN is aiming at the provision of new tools, in an attempt to reach out to the NEETS, through ICT and digital mentoring. The impact of this initiative not only increases the employability possibilities, but the strategic partnership is also aiming at a less noticeable aspect, the NEETs’ social inclusion.

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