There is a direct link between the energy you use regularly and the environment. Today, we are experiencing the daunting effects of global warming because most of us are not aware of how we use energy and the solutions that exist.
Researchers from Princeton University discovered simple and effective ways that nations can use to reduce greenhouse gases and conserve the environment. Today, we are going to share with you the ten proven solutions that these researchers discovered.
These methods are feasible and can be practised by anyone willing to change for the better. We need to correct our wrongs so that future generations won’t have to pay for our crimes. Plus, you’ll save a lot of money by implementing these solutions. Let’s get started!

10 energy solutions that you must be aware of
Give up fossil fuels
The first thing you need to do to preserve mother earth is to eliminate the burning of oil, coal and natural gas. This is the hardest thing to do especially for richer nations because their citizens wear, play, work and sleep on products made from fossil fuels. Also, developing countries are eyeing fossil fuel products because they want their citizens to wear, work and sleep with them.
The global economy largely depends on oil because no transportation of goods or consumers can happen without it. Coal also plays a crucial role especially in the US because it is used to supply electricity to the majority of states.
It’s not easy to give up fossil fuels completely. However, you can use other energy and money-saving solutions such as wind power, biodiesel, and plastics made out of plants.
Move closer to your workplace
Transportation is one of the leading causes of greenhouse emissions across the world. Research shows that burning a gallon of gasoline produces an average of twenty pounds of carbon dioxide. But this does not need to happen.
One of the best ways to reduce transportation fuel use is to move closer to your workplace, use public transport, walk, cycle, or any other mode of transport that does not require transportation fuel. You can also work from home if your boss is comfortable with the idea.
Long-distance travelling especially airplane flights is one of the sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Flights are also among the few sources of global warming pollution which doesn’t have a viable alternative. Cutting down on long-distance trips will help in reducing emissions.
Control your spending
One of the easiest energy solutions to reduce greenhouse emissions is by buying less stuff. You can decide to forego a vehicle, use reusable items and control your consumption. This will result in burning fewer fossil fuels which means the production and shipping of fewer products.
Also, think green and long-term before buying something. For example, if you want to buy a car, go for one that will last longer and have a low impact on the environment.
A used hybrid vehicle offers fuel efficiency and saves you the cost of buying a new car. When buying essential household items, buy in bulk to reduce packaging expenses and clutter in your house.
Focus on efficiency
As the popular saying goes, less is more. The majority of citizens in developed nations waste lots of energy consciously or unconsciously be it speeding in a fuel-guzzling SUV or leaving the lights on in a room.
Maintaining your vehicle by ensuring the tires are well inflated and driving it well will not only reduce the number of accidents on the road but also save the environment by reducing greenhouse emissions.
Investing in energy-efficient appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators to name a few are also good energy solutions. Energy-efficient appliances and bulbs will greatly reduce your electric bills. Remember to turn off the lights when leaving your room or office.
Eat nutritious food
Growing corn requires a lot of oil for the fertilizer to grow it and diesel for harvesting and transportation.
Meat, whether chicken, beef or pork requires lots of feeds to produce a kilogram of wholesome protein. Consuming a balanced diet regularly is doable but not easy.
Research shows that people who consume meat regularly produce an extra 1.5 tons of greenhouse gases compared to vegetarians. It will take less land to grow crops for human consumption than livestock. And this gives room for planting more trees.
Don’t cut down trees
33 million acres of forests are cut down every year. Harvesting timber alone contributes an average of 1.5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Improving our agricultural practices and managing our forests properly will significantly eliminate these emissions.
When purchasing wood products, consider going for certified used products. The Amazon and other tropical forests around the world hold our lives on this planet. Sacrificing our lives for the sake of the economy is no good.

Put your gadgets down
The rapid advancement of technology has simplified most aspects of our lives. For technology to serve us, we need to control how we use it. Research shows that the average adult spends eleven hours looking at a screen every day. This could be a phone, television, tablet or computer.
This means that the majority of people never switch off their devices to unplug. And this results in high electricity bills. Switching off your gadgets to relax with your loved ones is essential for your physical and mental well-being. Plus, you are going to cut your electricity bill.
Rethink your family goals
According to the United Nations, about 6.6 billion people are living in the world today. In the next fifty years, this number is likely to hit nine billion. Today, it requires 54 acres to sustain the average human being in terms of food, shelter, clothing, and other necessities. Population growth will be unsustainable in the long run.
Some developed and developing countries have imposed limits on the number of children that a couple can have. And this has reduced population growth. It will be impossible for the climate to change if the human population is to increase.
There is no perfect number for the human population. However, a growing population means more greenhouse emissions.
Seal your windows
Insulating your windows is another good energy solution that will minimize energy loss and help you manage your temperatures efficiently. Consider installing shades, foliage, and blinds to save money on your bills. The more you use your resources, the more you’ll spend to sustain your lifestyle.
Shop locally
You don’t have to drive thousands of miles to purchase a commodity that you can find in your local area. Buying locally manufactured products reduces shipping costs and saves you a lot of money in the long run. Also, avoid buying commodities for fun. Instead, buy what you need.
Climate change is a problem that has been caused by everyone either consciously or unconsciously. Therefore, every individual has to solve it before it’s too late. Which of these ten tips are you going to apply today?
Author Bio

Mary Voss is a freelance writer, content creator of educational, management, marketing topics and an editor in best cv writing services. She is a permanent co-organizer, moderator and attendant of educational webinars and participator of various creative marketing projects. Her main areas of interest are travelling and teaching people to live an abundant and limitless life.