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5 Recognizable Digital Marketing Trends

5 Recognizable Digital Marketing Trends

The advancement of technology empowers us to achieve more. As the business world evolves, technology helps owners strategize and manage their business. No matter what products or services you offer, technology is involved in the process, one way or another.

Today, most businesses in every industry are thriving through digital marketing. They are always adapting and building their online presence. You can see the impact of digital marketing trends on their business growth.

Moreover, new brands pop up every time, making the competition tighter. If you are new to the business world, don’t get left behind. Here are some recognizable digital marketing trends that can help you with your business.

1. Future Assistants: AI Chatbots

A smooth and seamless online or in-store experience is crucial for customer retention. In conventional businesses, it is the task of sales assistants to communicate with customers.

But, today, more customers prefer to check the company website first before purchasing or visiting the store. Traditionally, web visitors go over the Knowledge Center or FAQs pages on websites. That’s before the advent of AI and machine learning. Businesses are taking advantage of these tools to create a smoother customer experience.

This year, about 40% of Internet users worldwide prefer to interact with chatbots than virtual agents. AI chatbots act as virtual concierges, and consumers expect faster responses from them. They interact with humans naturally and assist them with what they need. Most websites use text chat, but verbal interaction with AI chatbots is also possible.

AI chatbots are not only limited to customer support. Aside from taking inquiries through chats, they collect data about the customers. From their gathered customer information, you can create a marketing list.

You can reach out to your leads by sharing updates or content through email. Make a compelling copy to grab their attention!

With these digital marketing trends of using an AI chatbot and the customer’s preference to communicate with them– it will help your business grow further.

2. Email Marketing

Undeniably, email is one of the primary communication channels. It is used for personal, academic, business, legal, and other communication purposes. That’s why email marketing remains crucial. When the right SaaS email templates and messaging are used, you can scale your business more efficiently.

But, as time goes by, generic marketing emails are no longer effective. Often, email is the final trigger to motivate prospective customers to take action. Thus, email marketing is continuously evolving, together with other strategies.

Today, effective marketing is a combination of automation and personalization. You can send a follow-up email to your prospects with a promotional price, demo video that can be created using an online video editor, or other content. But, some find it hard to do outreach campaigns.

If you are one of those who find email marketing fast-moving, you have to work with a CRM platform, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Azure. You have to create promotional programs that are of interest to your customers. More so, reach out to them through emails. Thus, learning to manage your inbox is relevant to improve marketing campaigns.

3. Solve Ad-Blockers

Digital marketing is not all about progress. It also includes overcoming obstacles. Ad blocks are one of the obstacles of marketing management. Recent statistics show that 46.2% of Internet users worldwide admit to using ad blockers. Most marketers use ad campaigns to generate more web traffic. With ad blockers, their stream of traffic is cut off.

Determine how it affects your marketing performance. Check the ad data and analytics to know. The effect may vary on your target audience and where your ads circulate. If your ads are blocked, the best strategy is to accept the circumstance. It means that these people are not interested in any ads.

You can adapt and adjust with people who are using ad blockers. There are countermeasure strategies in ad blocks– ad recovery, circumvention, and messaging.

  • Ad recovery: Among the countermeasure strategies, ad recovery beats messaging. It is the middle ground between the needs of Internet users and businesses. Ad recovery allows ad publishers to have less intrusive ad formats to opted-in users.
  • Circumvention: Ad block circumvention focuses on identifying and bypassing ad blockers. As ad blocker circumvention looks for loopholes in the blocker’s scripts or delivery, ad-block frequently updates their code to avoid the circumvention. Thus, it makes circumvention a less reliable measure.
  • Messaging: Some websites ask visitors to turn off their adblocker. That’s an example of a messaging-based countermeasure. Whitelist requests, ad-free passes, and other messaging variations help establish one-on-one communication channels with visitors. It educates visitors about your business needs.

Influencer marketing is also one of the trends these days. The younger audience does not appreciate display ads but responds well to influencer marketing. TikTok influencer marketing has especially risen in popularity over the past few years.

Influencer marketing is like word-of-mouth. Influential people amplify your brand message to their followers. Moreover, about 93% of consumers report that their purchasing decision was influenced by reviews online. If you have a limited budget, try working with micro influencers.

4. Create Interactive Content

Without a doubt, content marketing continues to dominate SEO strategies as Google updated its algorithm, one of the significant changes in the BERT system. It aids in understanding the natural language people use in search queries.

Google advises that it’s best to focus on site speed, relevant links, and well-written content.  Google is getting smarter. They now prefer accurate, current, and insightful content. Keep in mind that you have to create insightful content that closely aligns with user intent.

Moreover, interactive content becomes mainstream. Some interactive content types used are augmented reality ads, 360-degree videos, quizzes, or polls. This content offers an immersive and engaging experience to consumers. It gives them a connection with the brand. Remember, content marketing will rake the conversion rates higher.

Continue to invest in content marketing to drive more leads, promote solutions, and grow the revenue.

Most customers are looking for something specific; it could be the product’s color or unique design. Before, customers had a hard time looking for specific items, as several products are on the web. Now, people can search for it through visual search. Visual search is taking web users a whole level of experience in searching for queries. You can upload a photo to have a more specific result. Not surprisingly, several platforms are now starting to use the trend as well.

Google Lens, for example, recognizes an object or landmark through its camera app. Instead of typing queries into the search engine, you can easily upload the image and find information about what you see. If you are a Windows user, you can initiate a visual search on Bing.

If you want to have a competitive edge, jump on the visual search trend.

Join the Digital Trend

Indeed, things are moving fast in the digital marketing world. There is no time for businesses to overlook the benefits of digital marketing trends. Much more, the younger generation has become tech-savvy consumers. Businesses should look for ways to interact and connect with them in new and exciting ways.

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