The proliferation of digital transformation in all sectors has led to even more digital challenges needing to be addressed. Health Hub’s expertise in AI will provide solutions to many of those challenges specific to the Health and Pharma sector.
But before we go deeper into Health Hub, it is crucial to learn more about its background and its creation.
The Digital Transformation in Europe and the DIHs
The first initiative was launched back in 2016 with the first industry-focused Digital Single Market package at the European level. This initiative came to complement the industry digitization efforts of member states. The aim was to trigger further investments and support creating better framework conditions for the digital industrial revolution. Finally, the cornerstone of this European initiative was the development of the first network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs).
According to the Commission, European Digital Innovation hubs (EDIHs) are “one-stop-shops that help companies dynamically respond to the digital challenges and become more competitive”. EDIHs scope of work is both at the regional and European level, while those supported by the Member States receive support with EU funding.
In the new Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, EDIHs’ role and meaning have been further enhanced through the new Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL). This programme expands the capacities of those DIHs to now cover more activities to increase added European value through networking and transfer of expertise.
EDIHs objective is to increase awareness on emerging technologies and capacity building in the fields of:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- High-Performance Computing (HPC)
- Cybersecurity
- Advanced Digital Skills
- Digital Transformation for the public and private sector
What is Health Hub?
If you hadn’t guessed it yet, Health Hub is a candidate European Digital Innovation Hub located in Thessaly, Greece, coordinated by the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED). It is among the 15 EDIHs out of more than 200, that have been chosen at a national level in Greece, having formed a clear advantage over its competition with its strong partnership and geographical coverage.
With a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an emerging technology and Health, as part of Greece’s Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3), Health Hub will act as a reference point of Digital Health at regional, national, and European level by providing services of digital transformation to SMEs and public administrations of the Health and Pharma sector. At the same time, it will support them in boosting their outreach, precision, innovation capacity, and networking efforts.
Health Hub Services
As it happens with all DIHs, Health Hub is not a research organization itself, but it relies on the experience and expertise provided by its partners. As Artificial Intelligence is, similarly to Health, heavily technologically and research-oriented, this is reflected in Health Hub’s partner list. Consisting of 2 Public Bodies, 6 Universities, 5 Research & Technology Organizations, 3 HealthCare Providers, and 6 Business Support Organizations, the Hub has a research capacity and support system to drive health digitization.
In terms of services, the DIH provides a wide range of services to those wanting to become part of the Health sector’s digital transformation. The innovative services that the Hub has developed also have a high degree of customization to meet the needs of all clients for maximum potential and impact.
Health Hub’s Services include:
- Mapping of needs and matching
- Digital maturity assessment
- Visioning for digital transformation
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Data as a Service (DaaS)
- AI Algorithms as a Service (AIAaaS)
- AI Models as a Service (AIMaaS)
- Test before invest, with prototyping & experimentation
- Knowledge and innovation transfer
- Support to find investments
- Innovation ecosystem and networking
- Accredited Training and (re)skilling of Healthcare workforce
- Traineeships and internships
- Future training

With busy years ahead for the digital transformation of the Health and Pharma sector, the Health Hub will provide the much need solutions for more innovative, efficient, and accessible healthcare for businesses, health professionals, and patients alike.
If you also share Health Hub’s vision and seek collaboration opportunities on Health through Artificial Intelligence, make sure to visit the official webpage and get in touch with us.