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International Women’s Day 2021 – Choose to Challenge

International Women's Day 2021 - Choose to Challenge

Today, March 8th, is the annual celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD). This is a special day to celebrate women’s achievements in the social, economic, cultural, and political sphere. The real fight for equal rights and women’s opportunities is a daily struggle in women’s lives worldwide. This day serves as a point for reflection on the achievements and what needs to be done further.

IWD 2021 Choose to Challenge Theme

Specifically, for International Women’s Day 2021, the campaign theme calls for women to challenge gender biases and inequality everywhere. Unfortunately, there are still women in 2021 whose rights are not on par with that of men. However, this is not due to women’s inferiority but rather due to silently accepting unjust and gender-biased rules.

As women remain underrepresented in leadership positions such as business, politics or other future-shaping domains like the STEM field, women need to speak up and demand change and equal participation. Women must be present where vital decisions that impact their lives are taken. That way, they can have a voice to safeguard women’s rights and promote gender equality.

Overcoming your fear and challenging something unfair designates the beginning of a discussion. And for change to happen, challenging something is the first step that needs to be taken. That’s the least we owe to help suppressed women and honour all the women of the past who fought for women’s rights against primitive ideas of gender inequality during unforgiving and perilous times in history.

The Contribution of iED to Women’s Rights

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) could not be missing from such a noble goal, to create a fair and inclusive society for all. iED is female at heart as the majority of our employees are women who display exceptional professionalism and leadership skills. Through the years, iED has implemented various projects that promote women’s rights, and at the same time, it is active in networks that promote gender equality in society.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, if you have an idea for a European Project on women’s rights and gender equality, get in touch with us and let us challenge gender bias together and raise awareness on women’s rights.     

Below you can see how Google chose to celebrate International Women’s Day 2021:

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