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Our Head of Planning and Development Participated in the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027: Two Years In

Our Head of Planning and Development Participated in the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027: Two Years In

Alexandra Kyritsaka, the Head of Planning and Development at Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED), was one of the three experts participating in the “Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027: Two Years In” hosted by Grants Office.

This event tapped into the funding opportunities available in this Multiannual Financial Framework to help applicants navigate the maze of EU funding. EU funding applicants face many challenges while applying for funding through the MFF, so this event tried to help them understand better the structure and flow of MFF funds. For this can also help the white paper, “EU Funding Instruments in the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027” which you can download here.

During the event, Alexandra discussed the EU and the MFF 2021-2027 in relation to sustainability, innovation, and workforce development in the programmes of Horizon Europe, Digital Europe, LIFE, ERASMUS+, Connecting Europe Facility, as well as the Cohesion Policy funds ERDF, JTF, and the Cohesion Fund.

Furthermore, the panel of experts delved into the progression of funding opportunities presented by these programs throughout the years. They emphasized the best practices that prospective applicants should adopt and shed light on the benefits that projects supported by these initiatives bring to both individual projects and the wider European community.

Participants had the opportunity to learn more about EU funding and the Multiannual Financial Framework. The informative and engaging discussions inspired them and helped them unlock the MFF funding potential.

For more information on the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027: Two Years In, you can look here.

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