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Support for dissemination events in the field of Transport Research

What is it about?

An integral aspect of the Transport part of Horizon 2020 is to organise an event(s) of a major strategic nature. The Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conferences and Aerodays are the examples of events organised in different Member States, with a high European dimension. The proposed actions should help to promote and to disseminate Transport Research activities in Europe.


Proposals should address the following sub-topics: Support for the organisation of the Transport Research Arena 2022 conference.

The action will prepare and provide support to the Transport Research Arena Conference (TRA) to be organised in 2022. TRA is the European Transport Research conference which brings together representatives of transport stakeholders from all over Europe and beyond around research and innovation results and policy.

The objective of the conference is to provide a platform for discussion of political, industrial, research and policy issues on a European and global scene, which pursues a smart combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches. In line with previous TRA conferences, the event should address the technological and industrial developments of the transport sector (road, rail, waterborne and aviation sectors and also cross-modal aspects) providing a high-level, future-oriented perspective coming from politics, the industry, and the research community, in response to Europe’s social needs and expectations.

Expected Impact:

The actions will contribute to a wide dissemination of the results of European transport research and raise the visibility and weight of the EU policy in the field.

These actions are expected to increase the attractiveness of transport-related studies and reinforce the pursuit of excellence in European transport research and innovation, by giving recognition and visibility to the best achievements.

It will allow creating links and exchanges between research and innovation stakeholders and policymakers, thus improving the development and deployment of innovative solutions for transport in Europe.

Deadline: 24 April 2019

Available call budget in EUR: 700,000

In the same framework, iED has already implemented several innovative projects which included innovative practices.  If you are interested in applying for this call you could contact us and further discuss the available options.

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