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Trainee Recruitment 20 Golden Rules of Contemporary

Changing conditions have created many new requirements for contemporary trainee recruitment in enterprises.

These can be summed up in four guiding principles and 20 golden rules:

Lay the groundwork

Rule 1: Take action

Assess your situation. Are you having problems filling trainee vacancies? Do you think that finding qualified trainees will get harder in the future? Then take action now. Don’t wait for others to solve your problems. Instead, review your options and develop recruitment strategies that prepare you to compete for talent.

Rule 2: Make trainee recruitment a priority

Make your trainee recruitment a priority and deploy adequate resources. It is not just a matter of financial resources, but also using personnel capable of implementing recruitment at a high level.

Rule 3: Intensify your recruitment efforts

Enter the training market with active recruitment measures. Deploy recruitment instruments both intensively and offensively, and make use of completely new instruments. Work with a coherent mix of different recruitment instruments and measures.

Rule 4: Make trainee recruitment an ongoing task

Although the intensity of recruitment efforts naturally increases in the period leading up to the start of training, take recruitment as a serious job that extends over the entire year. Plan your training program as early as possible. Begin candidate acquisition efforts well in advance and spread out measures in a sensible way across the implementation timeframe.

Rule 5: Strengthen your marketing efforts for training programs

Make training marketing a top priority and anchor it within the corporate strategy. Strengthen every activity that increases the awareness, attractiveness and desirability of your company as a provider of training among potential candidates, and any activity that ultimately lead to the successful conclusion of a training contract.

Rule 6: Remove barriers to application

Accommodate potential training candidates in every way possible. Simplify the application process and offer guidance during every phase. Always be available for inquiries.

Rule 7: First, make a strong impression as a training organization

Provide attractive training conditions and high-quality training – and talk it up. Making a strong showing as an employer and a company that offers training is the only way to attract qualified trainees. And it is not slogans but deeds that convince candidates.

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