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Business development and innovation

The managers of the modern companies are looking for the way of modernization of their production, optimization of the processes and leveraging the services they provide. From this perspective, they can’t but think about innovations that will help to develop their business. The international audit company KPMG has published the list of the innovations in IT sphere which are the most in-demand and will help to change the business crucially.


It is a cloud technology of data storage. Clouds permit to place any information resources (e.g. sites, databases, CRM systems, files, documents, etc.) in a special virtual data center and work with them remotely. This technology can be useful for the bank sector, education, e-commerce, PR and advertising agencies, finance departments, etc. Cloud technologies work best for the companies which have big databases and no place to store the documents, or they don’t want to waste paper on them. It is also comfortable to store the documents in the cloud, as many people may access and work with them.

Data and analytics (D&A)

This is a technology of collecting, organizing and analyzing the data on competitors, suppliers, personnel, partners, business operations and other factors that influence the business. The sources of data collection can be various: social networks, media channels, sites of the companies, etc. This technology helps not only to find the needed information but also analyzes it according to set parameters. It is easier for the companies to plan their marketing strategy and act in the competitive environment basing on the data received.

Mobile Platforms and Apps

There are various mobile platforms and applications that help to promote your company, services and goods, to support B2B and B2C products. The site which are mobile friendly (easily adapt to the size of the phone) are easier to navigate and they have more chances to sell the products or services they display. Taxi services applications become more and more popular. It’s very comfortable to upload the app on your mobile phone and be able to use it any time and anywhere. The owners of the business may also think of similar application which might help to make their business more attractive and their income grow.

Successful companies should always kip their finger on the pulse and be aware of all the innovations and new opportunities, which may improve their efficiency and boost the sales. IT sphere offers us plenty of innovations which should be implemented in modern companies if they want to be in trend and keep up with the times.

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