The Call for Proposals distinguishes between two different types of partnerships. Therefore, applications should be submitted under one of the following two lots:
1.Local and regional partnerships (Lot 1)
The call supports partnerships between:
(i) a VET provider;
(ii) a small, medium or large enterprise (public or private) or chamber or other sectoral/professional organisation;
(iii) and a local or regional authority.
These projects aim to strengthen VET-business partnerships on work-based learning and apprenticeships in a local or regional context. The partnership should include an employers’ and a workers’ organisation (social partners) as associated partners.
2.Partnerships between a European umbrella organisation and its national members or affiliates (Lot 2)
The call also supports a limited number of projects carried out by European umbrella organisations. These projects aim to support targeted and strategic activities between these umbrella organisations at European level and their national members or affiliates aimed at strengthening VET-business partnerships on work-based learning and apprenticeships in a local or regional context.