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iED develops training courses for young unemployed and NEETs

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, within the framework of the European project “Be Positive – A positive psychological approach to enhancing resilience and utilizing strengths in European unemployed youth” plans and develops innovative training courses targeting the empowerment and support of unemployed youth and their successful accession to occupation and training.

The main objective of the training courses is the participants (unemployed youth and/or NEETs) to be able to assimilate stressful incidents connected with the fact of unemployment and transform these incidents into a positive element, based on models of Positive Psychology.

Furthermore, during the third transnational meeting of the project that was held in Athens, Greece on 6 & 7 October 2015, actions towards the definition of the course’s context were implemented by the project’s partners. The context of the training course is as follows:

Module 1: Getting the happiness habit

Module 2: The Attitude of Gratitude

Module 3: Use your strengths

Module 4: Live life with meaning & purpose

Module 5: Nurture your relationships

Module 6: Learning Optimism

Module 7: Building Resilience

Module 8: Set positive goals

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