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ENTRANCE to the Entrepreneurial World

ENTRANCE to the Entrepreneurial World

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) presents ENTRANCE. A project that aims at the cultivation of entrepreneurial mindset and skills; therefore, bridging the gap between academic knowledge and its applicability to the job market. The project is a team effort of five organizations, located in: Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, and Portugal.

Enhancing the ENTRepreneurial mindset of non-business Academics in Europe

This Erasmus+ project, has identified the shortcomings of academic knowledge, which mainly lies on the lack of practicality outside the university context. Hence, fostering an entrepreneurial mindset and skills is imperative. ENTRANCE suggests the embodiment of entrepreneurship to the pedagogical approaches in Higher Education Institutions. Starting from the educators, their personal and practical experience; towards the development of transversal skills of university graduates; and, in accordance with the job market demands.

The ENTRANCE Design of Objectives

ENTRANCE plan includes mapping the shortcoming of academic knowledge, in relation to the labor market; and, cultivate entrepreneurial mindset, both for academics and students. The step that follows is the development of pertinent pedagogical approaches. In addition, the learners will have the opportunity to customize their learning experience with open educational resources and virtual learning platforms. The goal is to encourage non-business academics and graduates to materialize their ideas into start-ups; through unleashing their creativity; taking initiatives; and, the development of transversal skills. A long-term effect of this design can be qualified graduates, ready to enter the job market, and meet its demands.

For more information, regarding the project and its objectives, you can visit the official webpage.

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) supports this initiative; as the institution observes the needs of the job market, and its demands. If you would like to contribute to our effort, do not hesitate to contact us.

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