The concept of urban sustainable development is defined as an initiative, that contains a set of goals, which serve the establishment of equilibrium in terms of human health and environmental systems. Moreover, the starting point of this concept is the transformation of cities and towns.
Links Between Urban Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda
The set of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), has incorporated, to its strategic plan, the content of this concept. In particular, Sustainable Development Goal Number 11, or SDG 11. This goal is aiming to transform cities and human settlements into acquiring qualities, such as: becoming inclusive; safe; resilient; and, sustainable. Apparently, the constant rise of the population has led to fulfilling needs of prosperity and survival. Hence, redefining urban planning, according to the emerging circumstances of people and ecology, is imperative.
An Example of Implementation
For example, the initiative occurred in a Freiburg district called Vauban in Germany. Among the qualities the urban planning of Vauban, relies on is green transportation. They managed to achieve less use of cars by developing an efficient transportation network. In addition, the district’s inhabitants, who own a vehicle, abide by the fact that they need to park far from their household. Furthermore, the local data has shown improvements regarding:
- Energy.
- Sulphor-dioxide and CO2.
- Mineral resources.
Institute of Entrepreneurship Development acknowledges the significance of sustainable urban development; and, considers the implementation imperative. Our Institute participates in numerous European projects in this context like “U-SOLVE: Urban sustainable development SOLutions Valuing Entrepreneurship”.

U-SOLVE is an initiative funded by ENI CBC Med with a total budget of 3.5 million euros (of which 3.2 million euros, or 90%, comes from European funds) revolutionizing urban sustainability by aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Focused on Mediterranean cities, this dynamic initiative empowers young entrepreneurs to craft innovative, eco-friendly solutions, transforming urban areas into resilient, vibrant hubs of sustainable living. By developing experimental, place-based strategies and fostering a supportive entrepreneurial ecosystem, U-SOLVE is not just a project, but a bold step towards a future where cities are thriving centres of sustainability, resilience, and collective environmental responsibility.
Our Partners
- Consorzio ARCA from Italy
- University of Cyprus from Cyprus
- The Higher Council for Science and Technology/ International Cooperation Department from Jordan
- The Cyprus Institute from Cyprus
- Palestine Ahliya University from Palestine
- Jordan University of Science and Technology from Jordan
- Institute of Entrepreneurship Development – iED from Greece
- E-trikala from Greece
- Bethlehem Municipality from Palestine
- Academy of Scientific Research and Technology from Egypt
Through this project, iED will be able to support and help young and women entrepreneurs in Greece to materialize their innovative ideas, by creating start-ups and, by taking into account approaches that foster the environment and sustainable development.
This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Institute of Entrepreneurship Development and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the Programme management structures.