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FREIRAUM: Counselling Centre for Disadvantaged Women


This association has women at its main focus, and is completely dedicated to topics which this target group find important. The topics covered range from domestic violence to job-seeking, from covering gaps in education to loneliness. Aside from counselling, the association also try to put their clients (young and adult females) in contact with each other.

Freiraum’s services are open to all women (regardless of age, origin or social status). They can take part anonymously, confidentially and for free. On the centre’s website, there is an online “ich-check” (I-Check). Users enter some basic information into the tool, with the results helping them to reflect on their future.

In 2014, there were 331 women involved with 27 “Freiraum” women’s associations. The most popular group activity was a breakfast attended by many women.

In terms of personal counselling, the most frequently discussed topics are psychological wellbeing, relationships and work. The centre has also looked to build a media presence.

Website for Disadvantaged Women :

The Prometheus project addresses the need for career counsellors and guidance practitioners to also consider these challenges and looks to aid in making the counselling process more relevant to the needs and attitudes of a new generation of digital natives by providing an online platform with peer networking opportunities and offering a repository of best practices and online guides and toolkits for counsellors.

100+ Enlightenment Best Practices e-Book includes 100 best and innovative practices from the field of career counseling and guidance from 5 European countries: Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria and UK. It is a virtual library including information about the best practices, description of the practices, links to their authors / owners, useful information about the addressed target groups and the approach used.

The purpose of the e-Book is to help professionals from the field of career counseling and guidance in order to implement innovative practices and, in this way, be more effective in practicing their occupation and helping their clients.

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