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How can education close the gender gap in entrepreneurship?

In 2011 the Small Business Act for Europe was signed. Since then the countries of the Eastern Partnership have been complying with it and trying to follow its strategy.

In 2012 a group of experts from six countries of the Eastern Partnership organized a regional conference which touched upon the questions of entrepreneurship and education. The interest in these topics was created by the gender inequality in business and by the European strategy, which is aimed at supporting women entrepreneurship in the region. The facts influencing the state of women entrepreneurship activities, the questions of education and the access to the source of finance were discussed. As the result, the International laboratory on women entrepreneurship was created. Its main target audience is policy developers, people involved in education and those who actively support the policy of women entrepreneurship. European Physical Society and the European Committee also support this project.

Nowadays, the split of the male and female representatives in the top management of various corporations and in business, in general, is not equal. It is the result of the prejudiced believe, that women have to be housewives and take care of their children and husband. The times when women could not vote, take part in the elections or be the head of the company are in the past. The practice shows that ladies are also good at ecoomy, business, entrepreneurship, management, etc.

Main task

The main task of the European Union is to create equal opportunities for men and women in the spheres of education, business intelligence, best practice sharing and entrepreneurship. The society of women entrepreneurship should be created. In addition, the European Union wants to motivate women to acquire economic and business knowledge which will result in their future business. Women involved in business might bring added value and leverage the economy of the given country.

In order the European strategy on women entrepreneurship worked well, the universities should create additional places for women willing to study management, economy, business, etc. The ladies who want to do business should learn to compete with men on equal terms. They have to learn to be firm and fearless and to be ready to face the obstacles and challenges. In addition, the mentality of the majority of people should be changed. The prejudicial attitude to the blonds and women managers should be changed and the companies should hire more ladies for the managerial positions. Only these conditions will enable women entrepreneurship and the fulfilment of the European strategy.

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