Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) always committed to the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship has joined in the ANIMA Investment Network.
ANIMA Investment Network brings together organizations willing to work for the economic development of the Mediterranean. The ANIMA network gathers 75 members in 22 countries in the Euro Mediterranean zone and comprises national and regional investment promotion agencies, business federations, innovation clusters, financial investors and research institutes from the region. ANIMA’s objective is to contribute to the continued improvement of the Mediterranean business and investment climate, as well as encourage a shared and sustainable economic development for the region.
On 15 May 2017, iED participated to the ANIMA network Annual Meeting which has been organized in the city of Athens by ANIMA and Enterprise Greece. During the meeting was presented the strategy of ANIMA for 2017-2019 regarding new projects.
On 16 May 2017, iED took part to the Next.society conference. It is an initiative launched by public and private innovation, investment and economic development players with the support of the European Commission. It aims at mobilizing entrepreneurs, innovators and corporate ecosystems to overcome the innovation and sustainable development challenges faced in the Mediterranean, in the North as much as in the South.