At an activation seminar that took place on Wednesday, 6th of May 2015 at the Urban Planning amphitheater of the University of Thessaly, the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development presented to approximately 25 entrepreneurs and students, strategies that can be utilized by enterprises wishing to attract suitable candidates interested in apprenticeship. During an extensive presentation, the Institute representative referred among others to the aspects that both involved parties can benefit from through the adopting of apprenticeship schemes, but also to factors that influence the successful selection of appropriate candidates by the enterprises.
These factors and the methodology for attracting suitable candidates will be collected and printed in the form of a guide aimed at enterprises and explaining step by step the added value that apprenticeship can bring, but also the approach needed to be undertaken by the enterprises in order to attract the suitable young individuals. This guide will be widely distributed to enterprises from the region, but will be also available in a digital format through the website of the Institute.
These interventions take place within the framework of implementation of the European ERASMUS+ project “Starting with apprenticeship: Sustainable strategies for the recruiting young people interested in in-company training”, which is implemented by the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development with the collaboration of other European organizations.