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Meet the BIG InternPrize 1st Intellectual Output

Meet the BIG InternPrize 1st Intellectual Output

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development announces the finalization of the BIG InternPrize 1st intellectual output. The full title of the EU project, within which the IO1 occurred, is “BIG InternPrize – Business Ideas Generation”.

Deploying Entrepreneurship’s Potentials for Widespread Development

BIG InternPrize is founded on the acknowledgment of the positive impact of entrepreneurship, both on an individual and collective level. In fact, this Erasmus+ project focuses on the ideas generation of businesses. Correspondingly, the pillars of the project design are:

  • The development of training content development for VET learners and trainers.
  • Provision and dissemination of business ideas opportunities.
  • And, engaging opportunities for the VET learners.

Browse the contents of the initiative’s official webpage, and learn more about BIG InternPrize.

The BIG InternPrize 1st Intellectual Output

The basis of the 1st output creation is the triptych of research, validation, and future strategy. Therefore, the IO1 structure is the following:

  • The first phase contained the delivery of 16 mini research papers on engaging bite size learning, including their publishing on the CoP platform, after peer review.
  • Consequently, the partnership continued with the generation and the usage of validation tools. This stage was significant for the project’s continuation.
  • Finally, IO1 was completed with the development of a joint position paper on “VET for the Always Connected, the Disconnected and the Discontented”.

The development framework of IO1 aims at the cultivation of a research culture for education and professional development purposes.

iED is satisfied with the quality of the BIG InternPrize 1st intellectual output delivery; and, our team is looking forward to the delivery of the next project’s results.

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