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Needs Analysis for Social Entrepreneurship Training to be given to Migrants


The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development participates in the Erasmus+ project EDU4SENT, along with organisations from Turkey, Poland and Italy. EDU4SENT aims at enabling educators and professionals to introduce young adult refugees and asylum seekers to social entrepreneurship and equip them with the necessary skills and competencies that will help them create their own jobs. Social entrepreneurship has been proved one of the most efficient systems in empowering marginalised groups to start their own business initiatives.  

Are migrants the most vulnerable group?

According to the European Commission, refugees represent one of the most vulnerable groups of migrants on the labour market. Their employment rate is 56%, just 3 percentage points higher than family migrants and 9 percentage points lower than native-born persons. In addition, one in five economically active refugees is unemployed and one in eight is unemployed for 12 months or longer and about one in 6 fourteen was unemployed for 2 years or longer, suggesting that once unemployed, refugees have difficulties to return to employment.

 Moreover, bringing refugee women into employment is a particular challenge, due to low education and low labour market participation. The employment rate for refugee women is on average 45%. It is lower than for other female non-EU born and nativeborn women and 17 percentage points lower than that of refugee men (Figure 12). Moreover, they have the highest rate of unemployment of all groups, 21%, versus 19% for refugee men and 17% for non-refugee migrant women from outside the EU. 

Migrants and Social Entrepreneurship

Facilitating the introduction of these forced migrant populations in Social Entrepreneurship, as well as developing their skills, are therefore of crucial importance and EDU4SENT corresponds to the aforementioned issues. The project also develops additional skills for the educators/professionals who work with these forced migrant population by enhancing their knowledge and competences regarding social entrepreneurship.

The first Intellectual Output of the project is an innovative Open Educational Resource that will address the needs of the young adult refugees and asylum seekers and will identify the best ways through which they will be enabled to acquire the appropriate entrepreneurial skills in order to establish their own businesses.  

Find our Survey here!

In this framework we are conducting a needs analysis online survey, that can be found here:  

By completing this survey, you will help us ensure that the educational material covers to the maximum the real needs of the target groups and therefore our project has a real impact. Please note that it takes less than 10 minutes! 

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