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On Migrants’ Social Integration

On Migrants’ Social Integration

Issues pertinent to migrants’ social integration appear to be more topical than ever. Clearly, social integration is a contributory factor to the sustainable development of societies.

Social Integration: Definition and Significance

The concept of social integration is wide and abstract; and, differs from social inclusion. In fact, the differentiation is that the latter concept is used to describe broader frames.

However, the Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action conceptualized this notion, as societies structured according to the principles of respect towards diversity; safety; equilibrium; justice; tolerance; multidimensional equality; non-discriminatory approach; solidarity; and, of course, human rights protection. This concept describes adaptation proceedings that extend to social, economic, political, and cultural components. Furthermore, it is a process that entails two-way rights and responsibilities.

There is no question that efficient integration is crucial, both for the societies and the members within. As it is a significant element that ensures a society’s unity and prosperity.

Significance of Migrants’ Social Integration

In the context of migration, efficient social integration achievement demands the development of social interactions as well. The host society needs to profess their respect towards the cultural diversity of other ethnic or cultural populations, through equal access to opportunities and by meeting their basic needs.

Moreover, 2030 Agenda directs global efforts of transformation towards social, environmental, and economic dimensions, in a sustainable manner. In fact, the 16th SDG focuses on the achievement of peace, inclusion through the efficiency of justice and other pertinent institutions. It is a recognition of the aforementioned values and their importance for the establishment of a societies’ sustainable development. Apparently, in this context, the urgent matter of migrants’ integration in any societal structure can’t be overlooked.

On the other hand, in the occasion of ineffective integration, the consequences of marginalization and conflicts can be a jolt on societal safety and prosperity. And, by extension, the lack of social integration can jeopardize the overall goal of sustainable development.

Admittedly, social integration is critical for the members’ co-existence and the society’s wellbeing at large. The essence of integration is the acknowledgment of the inherent value of human existence, through the respect of cultural diversity.

easyRights acts upon the subject of the migrants’ social integration, by placing migrants’ rights exercise, as the locus of the project’s scope. Meanwhile, the strategic partnership delves into AI and deploys the technology’s potentials to fortify the initiative’s mission.

Visit the easyRights’ official website and learn more about the Ηorizon initiative.

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