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Peer learning of innovation agencies

The era of fast-changing trends and society requires business to be flexible and to quickly implement the innovations. The more innovative you are, the better your performance will be. The European Union has elaborated the program “Horizon 2020” which is aimed to help the business survive and develop in the period of crisis. European Structural and Investment Funds are involved into this program and they are supposed to help SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) to do the research and implement the innovations.

The Inno-Partnering Forum

Each country has specific innovation and support agencies which develop special programs that help to improve the performance of the SME. The European Union has an intention to make those agencies share their best practices and work together in order to achieve better results and to be more efficient. A special “INNO-Partnering Forum” was organized and it has created a list of requirements to the innovation agencies and to the methodologies of their learning. The idea was to create a peer system of research, learning and innovation for such European agencies. They should have the possibility of free information exchange and they should tightly collaborate with each other. The INNO-Partnering Forum has prepared two main methodologies for learning for these agencies: peer review system based on EFQM methodology and “twinning+” methodology. The innovation support agencies, which will take part in this program, will receive additional privileges. It is supposed, that a special learning environment will be created and the innovation agencies will gladly share their experience, best practices and different ideas. They will also have a chance to discuss new trends and their observations with their colleagues from different countries. One agency might have some problems and another might help it. In addition, the grants will motivate the agencies to participate in this program.

The Expectations of Horizon 2020

The founders of the program “Horizon 2020” and those of “INNO-Partnering Forum” expect that with some time more and more agencies will get involved into the project and will share their knowledge and expertise in order to help small and medium enterprises. They are supposed to make a considerable contribution into the development and survival of those companies in the times of crisis. These agencies will also help to implement the innovations in the European enterprises which will make them more efficient, productive and will help them to comply with the latest world trends. More information can be found on the official site of the European Union.

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