The fourth transnational meeting for the European project titled “ASKILLS- ASSESSMENT OF SOCIAL SKILLS FOR BETTER POSSIBILITIES FOR EMPLOYMENT” was held in Sofia on May 20-21, 2014. The project is implemented under the LDV Transfer of innovation.
The ASkills project aims to development of an assessment system for teachers/trainers, and others working with unemployed people and in particular with the aim to evaluate and accredit non-formal and informal education and training (knowledge, skills and competencies they have acquired through their experience).
Discussion took place during the meetings with regards to the results of the pilot implementation of Assessment Tools, which took place in all the countries participating in the project. During the pilot test participants were able to use innovative tools that can be applied to the vocational training, in order to assess the social skills of unemployed and / or employees.
Dr. Anastasios Vasiliadis, the President of the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development attended the meeting, together with representatives of all partner organizations from Sweden, Austria, Bulgaria and Romania.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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