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iED proudly participates in the CREDIT project! 

iED proudly participates in the CREDIT project! 

The CREDIT Project aims to significantly improve circularity and recycling, leading to a more efficient, sustainable, and socially responsible EU manufacturing industry.

CREDIT aims to contribute to a more sustainable, efficient, and socially responsible manufacturing industry across a wide range of target groups. Aligned with the EU’s sustainability and green manufacturing targets, the project will generate economic benefits through: 

  • Improved efficiency 
  • Reduced production costs 
  • Increased competitiveness 

While also reducing waste, lowering carbon emissions, and minimizing raw material consumption. 

The CREDIT Project consortium consists of 11 organizations in 7 countries.

iED is leading the exploitation strategy and business development of CREDIT, as well as the co-creation activities and the ethical-legal-gender equality framework of the project.  

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101138182. The article reflects only the author’s view, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.   
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