The international project workshop was materialized in Sweden on April 28-29 2011, in the context of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme “Vocational Integration Support – Adaption of Innovative Approaches of European Initiatives for the Disadvantaged and the Identification of their Development Potential for National Structures of the Project and for the Partner Countries”. The workshop was organized by FolkUniverisitetet while representatives of all other organizations of the partner consortium were present in the meeting and contributed actively to the discussions and key issues.
A number of key issues were discussed in Sweden, including the organization of the next workshop in Rhodes, Greece, the development of the next set of deliverable (policy paper, tool box, adaptation of Danish handbook on quality standards) and dissemination activities that must be undertaken to promote the project and build awareness throughout the participating countries.
The partners came together to discuss activities that have already been materialized and any problems or setback that occurred. They finalized aspects relating to the content of the policy paper concerning competence assessment and the current situation primarily in Greece, while they also finalized the slogan that will be used for the project in all dissemination actions towards the public: Discovering Competences, Tools for your future.
Visit our website frequently for more updates and information concerning the project. The project website will shortly be found at the following link: