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“European Entrepreneurship School Programme as an Answer to Social Exclusion – eESPASE “

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Evaluation of Educational Material
Social Economy and Entrepreneurship

The Evaluation of Educational Material Social Economy and Entrepreneurship will be implemented in the context of the project “European Entrepreneurship School Programme as an Answer to Social Exclusion”.
The educational material has been applied previously in Spain and is a product of innovation transfer in the countries participating in the project. Includes eleven chapters while the content is adapted to the circumstances of each country after consultation with entrepreneurs, business consultants, staff training, etc… The chapters are:

  1. The “social entrepreneur”: another way of entrepreneurship.
  2. Strategic approach of the nonprofit organizations.
  3. The theoretical framework of the third sector.
  4. Judicial and legal framework for the third sector.
  5. Structure of social projects.
  6. Organization and management of non-profit organizations.
  7. The tax system of the third sector.
  8. The human potential of the third sector.
  9. Communication in the third sector.
  10. Attracting of resources – fundraising.
  11. Management of social innovation.

At this stage, the assessment is being carried out, and everyone is invited to register to gain free access to electronic platform where suspended material. After this, they are needed to evaluate the educational material using a questionnaire.

The evaluation process will run until September 15 and will be held simultaneously in Spain, Greece, Poland and Finland.

Anyone who wishes to acquire free access to educational material of social economy in order to help in the assessment can also send a message to

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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