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Entrepreneurship in 365 days


The background of E365 project:

The development of the entrepreneurial capacity and spirit of European citizens and organisations has been one of the key policy objectives for the EU and Member States for many years. There is a growing awareness that entrepreneurial skills, knowledge and attitudes can be learned and in turn lead to the widespread development of entrepreneurial mind-sets and culture, which benefit individuals and society as a whole.

There is still no consensus on what the distinctive elements of entrepreneurship as a competence are. As highlighted in the 2016 edition of the Eurydice Report on ‘Entrepreneurship Education at School’, about half the countries in Europe makes use of the European Key Competence definition of entrepreneurship. A third of the countries use their own national definition and almost 10 countries have no commonly agreed definition at national level.

The project:

E365 project, is an Erasmus+ project based on the EntreComp study which defines entrepreneurship as a transversal competence, which applies to all spheres of life. It aims to develop entrepreneurial competencies in European employed or unemployed people who want to learn about entrepreneurship. The project consortium from Latvia, Spain, Slovenia, Lithuania and Greece plans to develop a whole training system as well as a mobile app for coaches who train people with low skills, interested in entrepreneurship.

For this purpose the following three steps have been planned:

1. The development of resources to be an entrepreneur.

2. The development of challenges to strength and practice entrepreneurial skills.

3. The development of success stories.

The kick-off meeting of the project was held on February 2020 in Riga, Latvia. All partners were gathered in the art-nouveau city of Riga. They collaborated successfully and spoke about their organizations and the project on National TV. Institute of Entrepreneurship Development will be responsible for project’s dissemination.

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