The first Best Practice for project “PROMETHEUS- Promoting Management and entrepreneurial thinking among the career counselors and guidance practitioners in the EU societies” was documented and published by the project coordinator Business Foundation for Education.
The aim of project “PROMETHEUS” is among others the development of an integrated internet platform with open educational content, which will constitute a One Stop Shop for professional guidance services. This platform will constitute an innovative “engine” for the up-to-date provision of guidance and will gather information, tools, professional networks and vocational training courses, which will be particularly useful for the professional guidance counsellors and will allow them to upgrade their skills in the provision of their services, as it will match them with diagnosed trends and needs in the field.
One of the project activities is also the collection of Best Practices from the field of Professional Guidance from the countries participating in the project. 100 practices from 6 countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Austria, Greece, England and Ireland) will be collected and further processed into a booklet.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.