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Introducing the SEISMEC Project Self-Assessment Tool

Introducing the SEISMEC Project Self-Assessment Tool

Are you looking to empower your workforce and enhance human-technology synergies in your organization? The SEISMEC project is here to lead the way with its innovative CAPS self-assessment tool, a key component of the broader SEISMEC initiative aimed at fostering a human-centric approach in Industry 5.0.

What is SEISMEC?

SEISMEC, or the “Supporting European Industry Success Maximization through Empowerment Centred Development” project, focuses on shifting the industrial landscape to a more human-centric approach. By integrating advanced technologies with human skills and creativity, SEISMEC aims to create high-quality, sustainable jobs while ensuring worker satisfaction and security. This project spans various sectors and geographical locations in the European Single Market, emphasizing collaboration, autonomy, privacy, and safety​.

The CAPS Framework

The CAPS framework stands for Collaboration, Autonomy, Privacy, and Safety. This innovative framework is designed to:

  • Collaboration + Creativity: Streamline operations through advanced technologies to unlock new individual and collective creativity avenues.
  • Autonomy + Automation: Enhance worker autonomy by automating menial or dangerous tasks, allowing workers to focus on more meaningful and fulfilling goals.
  • Privacy + Productivity: Treat privacy and productivity as synergistic concepts, ensuring technological innovations respect individual rights while boosting productivity.
  • Safety + Satisfaction: Implement safety-first solutions that enhance job satisfaction and security without inducing fear of unemployment​.

Try the CAPS Self-Assessment Tool

The CAPS self-assessment tool is a practical resource developed to help organizations evaluate and improve their integration of human-centric practices. By using this tool, businesses can assess their current practices and identify areas for improvement, ensuring that their technological advancements align with the principles of human-centrism and worker empowerment.

Ready to take the next step? Learn more about the SEISMEC project and our work on SEISMEC CAPS Self-Assement here.


SEISMEC provides a comprehensive framework for assessing and enhancing human-technology interactions and offers evidence-based recommendations to policymakers and industry leaders. This ensures a balanced approach that fosters industrial competitiveness while prioritizing worker welfare and satisfaction.

By engaging with the SEISMEC project and utilizing the CAPS self-assessment tool, your organization can be at the forefront of the Industry 5.0 revolution, driving innovation while maintaining a strong focus on human-centric values.

Explore the possibilities with SEISMEC and transform your industrial practices for a more sustainable and satisfying future for your workforce. To learn more about the project and how we are pioneering human-centric industrial innovation, visit the SEISMEC official website.

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