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A Comprehensive Manual for Youth Workers to Enhance Young Artists Skills

A Comprehensive Manual for Youth Workers to Enhance Young Artists Skills

The recent pandemic exposed the vulnerability of artists in the Cultural and Creative Sector (CCS). In many cases, they could not work due to health and safety concerns and were generally slow to adapt to the new reality. Improving artists’ personal and entrepreneurial skills is crucial to becoming more resilient in adverse situations like this.

With our partners in the Youth4Cult project, we have developed a manual to support youth workers in enhancing the soft skills and transversal competencies of young people in the creative sector. Let’s learn more about the manual and how it helps youth workers improve artists’ skills.

From Talent to Competencies: A Short Overview

From Talent to Competencies: How Youth Work Can Support Cultural Sector

The manual “From Talent to Competencies: How Youth Work Can Support Cultural Sector“, which we created with our partners in YouthWork4Cult project, is an invaluable resource for young artists and creatives. It covers four topics: talent management, personal, entrepreneurial, and professional competences.

This manual is designed for trainers and facilitators willing to help young artists and creatives build and strengthen soft skills. Still, it can be used by anyone organizing workshops or training courses based on the SOLABs methodology. The manual is available in the English, Estonian, Italian, Greek, Latvian, and Russian languages.

Module 1: Talent Management

This module offers valuable insights into uncovering and amplifying one’s talents and motivations, coupled with exploring personal weaknesses and strategies for improvement. It systematically guides individuals in setting objectives through a specialized approach, fostering professional development. The three chapters are structured to facilitate a comprehensive journey: “Discovering Yourself,” “Reaching Your Goals,” and Learning Path: Cultivating a Positive Attitude in the Labor Market.” By the end, readers will have gained self-awareness and practical tools to navigate the professional landscape more effectively.

Module 2: Personal Skills

This module provides an insightful overview of the critical personal skills that, based on the desk research conducted within the project, young individuals often lack or need to enhance. Beginning with a focus on bolstering self-confidence, it then underscores the significance of teamwork, effective communication, and intercultural understanding—essential components for collaborating within international teams. As an introduction to the Youth4Cult project, it is strongly recommended that junior trainers familiarize themselves with the topics and activities before implementation. The module unfolds across four chapters, guiding participants through the development of key competencies: “Self-confidence,” “Teamwork,” “Intercultural Competences,” and “Communication.” By delving into these chapters, participants can proactively address the identified skill gaps and cultivate a well-rounded skill set for personal and professional growth.

Module 3: Entrepreneurial Competences

This module aims to empower aspiring young artists with entrepreneurial skills, emphasizing that entrepreneurship extends beyond the traditional business realm. The content is organized into four chapters, each addressing key aspects: “the fundamentals of entrepreneurship“, “organizational management principles“, “creative thinking“, and “leadership and motivation“. By navigating through these chapters, readers will understand how entrepreneurial competencies can be applied to various facets of their artistic pursuits, broadening their perspective on the intersection of creativity and business acumen.

Module 4: Professional Competences

The professional competencies module offers participants comprehensive insight into the necessary professional competencies, focusing on facilitating their acquisition and development. Divided into three chapters, the module guides individuals through essential aspects of professional growth: “Event Organization“, “Digital Competences“, “Self-Promotion and Talent Marketing“. By engaging with the content presented in each chapter, participants gain a deeper understanding of these professional competencies. Still, they will also receive practical support in honing their skills. The module is a valuable resource, empowering artists’ skills in their journey towards professional excellence.

Additional Content and Where to Find it

Aside from the theoretical content, every module features practical exercises and session plans that youth workers can utilize to foster soft skills development among participating artists. Including references to supplementary educational materials, such as educational videos, enhances the preparation of youth workers to address and engage with these topics effectively.

Are you a youth worker eager to help artists improve their skills and succeed in the new era? You can download our manual, translated into six languages for increased accessibility, to guide your upcoming training sessions with young people in the cultural and creative sector.


The manual ” From Talent to Competencies: How Youth Work Can Support Cultural Sector ” is made to aid youth workers in enriching the soft skills and transversal competences of young artists in the creative sector. The activities outlined in this manual were meticulously developed during the preparation of SOLABs, and the version you’re currently exploring is the refined result after thorough testing.

We sincerely hope you find it valuable, and we welcome your feedback. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at for inquiries or suggestions.

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