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Quantitative Analysis on Coworking in MED area

Contemporary coworking originates in 2005 in San Francisco, as a result of a ‘hybrid’ infrastructure of interaction able to connect technologies, spaces and people.

It brought the possibility of envisaging a ‘third way’  of working, halfway between a standard worklife within a traditional, well-delimited workplace in a community-like environment, and an independent worklife as a freelancer, characteristic of freedom and independence, where the worker is based at home in isolation.

The continuous increase of interest for coworking activities is also demonstrated by aggregated data on Google searches!

According to Waters-Lynch and al (2017: 16-17), the growth of searches based on the term increased exponentially in the last years; if we consider countries and cities, we can find Spain, Italy and Barcelona as topping the countries and cities search ranks until 2015.

In order to create a fruitful context supporting new connections and clusterization processes involving all relevant stakeholders within coworking sector, the partners of COWORKMED project have conducted the quantitative analysis, presenting the results of the surveys carried out in each territory and realizing a census of coworking spaces and coworkers.

The census developed includes 320 coworking spaces and analytic information on the following topics:

  • Basic information: year of foundation, legal status and platforms
  • Location of the coworking spaces
  • Users’ profiles (sex, age, educational level, professional condition)

You can download and have a look at the complete analysis here!

For more information on the COWORKMED project you can visit the project website. There is a variety of different deliverable that you can find there. These deliverable will surely help you understand the principles of co working in the Mediterranean area and help you understand how you are going to be able to apply new techniques to your own business and upgrade it to the next level. Find the right information today!

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