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Self-development and creative thinking as a solution to fight unemployment

As a phenomenon, unemployment has been plaguing Europe for years. Since the financial crisis, the phenomenon has been growing larger and larger, hitting mainly young people between the ages of 15 to 24. If we consider the fact that young people should be the backbone supporting the EU economy then we can understand that instead of moving forward, Europe is taking steps backwards.

Social exclusion as a result of youth unemployment

For young people, unemployment can result to social exclusion. And social exclusion is one of the biggest problems that Europe is facing. Adding to that problem is most certainly something that European society does not need.

The main difference between young people, unemployed or not, and older people is the fact that young people still dream big and believe that they can bring those dreams to life through hard work and precision. And that is the key to fight European youth unemployment. The European society needs to help young people develop their skills and competences and promote the concept of creative thinking. This will give young men and women all around the continent the opportunity to create their own ideas and bring them to life with the use of the entrepreneurial skill that they can develop.

RE-ENGAGING young people!

European projects focused on empowering young people by motivating and encouraging them to re-engage into education and the labour market are the key factor and the main tool that the European society has against youth unemployment. Teaching young people the skills and competences needed in order to become entrepreneurs will eliminate the phenomenon of social exclusion and will, at the same time, strengthen the European economy.

Young people need to be motivated. They need to be given a reason to re-enter the labour market and they need the right tools in order to succeed. Personal development will help them cope with personal difficulties and boost confidence and motivation. At the same time skills development, either filling existing gaps or more proactively seeking to acquire skills needed to progress to further employment and work related activities such as work-place behaviour, CV elaboration and interview skills will be the catalyst that will put young people back in action.

Winning the fight against youth unemployment is a real possibility if the right steps are taken by the right people.  European projects can be the biggest factor but personal growth and personal motivation for young people are the right foundations to build a strong basis.

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