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Social Inclusion in the labor market and development of the Roma population through the use of simple tools and terms

Over the years, it is becoming more and more difficult to integrate Roma in the labor market, due not only to the increasing level of unemployment but, also, because of their low educational level. Therefore, finding a job in the country of their residence is a challenge for them.

Occasionally, efforts have been made through European programmes to increase the activity of Roma populations in order for them to come into an initial contact with the labor market, but also to be integrated based on their individual skills.

So, within the Erasmus+ programme «Rominko», the project partners have developed useful tools (COB tools) that can be used by organization dealing with Roma. Through these tools, the first phase is to register Roma who is interested in joining the labor market, because most of them have no evidence of identification. Then, the level of their individual knowledge is assessed in order to guide them towards the job that would suit them. Finally, they are given the opportunity to create their CV and, at the same time, come in the first contact with computers.

During the last transnational meeting held in Kiskunhalas in Hungary, the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development and the organization of Oikokoinonia, as well as all project partners, presented the results of the two-year project. According to the results, the process of integrating the Roma is still a great challenge, despite the successful implementation of all tools developed in the beginning. More specifically, many technical terms were found difficult to be understood by the target group. The result of the meeting was that the simpler the communication is, the more effective the transmission of knowledge becomes to people with a low educational background.

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