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Sustainable Rural Development in the EU

Sustainable Rural Developmet in the EU

Sustainable rural development of remote and rural areas needs to become a core governmental strategic priority. There is a constant decline of populations living in rural areas, while at the same time, the global population is increasing. Consequently, this leads to increased demand in food production and pushes the agricultural sector to its limits.

Rural areas play an essential role in the modern economic system’s sustainability, primarily through agriculture and resources in general. However, the labor intensity required in the sector and the unpredictability, the lack of opportunities, and low-profit margins discourage people from staying in rural areas. For this reason, Governments need to give incentives, especially to young people, to not migrate to the cities. The best solution to this problem is creating sustainable rural businesses that contribute to the overall sustainable rural development. 

The Importance of Sustainable Rural Enterprises

A successful sustainable business needs to find the perfect balance between profitability, environmental concern, and social commitment. So, what is a sustainable business? In essence, sustainable businesses cover today’s needs without jeopardizing resources for future generations, thus leading to sustainable rural development. This certainly requires a little more effort, but it is not difficult to achieve nor necessarily more expensive. Not only that, but it can also save money from a business in the long run. For instance, choosing smart transport methods not only can reduce emissions, but it can also prove to be cheaper.

Furthermore, the market demand for sustainable products increases and people are willing to pay more for them. For example, organic tomatoes in the local farmer’s market are significantly more expensive than their non-organic counterparts. Unfortunately, the higher price does not always equal higher profits since organic production has a lower yield. However, proper farming techniques can minimize production loss and lead to higher profit margins. Finally, consumers’ willingness to pay a higher price for sustainable products is not the result of marketing. Environmental destruction and climate change have made consumers environmentally conscious.

Sustainable Rural Development and European Funding

Sustainable rural development is an Important policy area in the European Union and supported by the common agricultural policy (CAP). The funding instrument of CAP is the European agricultural fund for rural development (EAFRD). It is responsible for strengthening the EU’s agri-food and forestry sectors, environmental sustainability, and rural areas’ wellbeing in general.

The common agricultural fund has six priorities:

  1. The transfer of knowledge and innovation in agriculture, forestry, and rural areas;
  2. Increase the competitiveness and viability of agriculture and forestry while promoting innovative and sustainable practices;
  3. Promote animal welfare, risk management, and organization in the food chain;
  4. Promote carbon-neutral, resource-efficient, and climate-friendly practices;
  5. Restore and preserve the ecosystems affected by agriculture and forestry;
  6. Reduce poverty and promote social inclusion and economic development in rural areas;


Rural areas are equally important (if not more) than urban cities, and we must focus on their sustainable rural development. To achieve that, states need to create opportunities and train people to identify significant potential. Not only that, but they also need to be financially assisted through existing funding portals so that their chances of success are higher. Sustainable rural development will keep rural areas vibrant, provide high-quality products, and create equal and meaningful opportunities for urban and rural inhabitants alike.

The ROSE Erasmus+ project wants to inspire the creation of sustainable startups and entrepreneurship in rural areas. Through the participants’ holistic education on creating a sustainably profitable business, the project aims to increase youth employability in rural areas and promote sustainable rural development.

To learn more about the project, click here.

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