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Social Entrepreneurship: The CCIF CYPRUS Newspaper


European Social Entrepreneur-ESE project is focusing on assisting young people gaining adequate skills and information on the importance of social entrepreneurship, a field that creates many opportunities as far as employment is concerned. All partners have undertaken the dissemination of project’s activities and deliverables. The consortium consists of Co-labory partners from Italy, IED from Greece, CCIF Cyprus, ACTA from Romania, CAI from Portugal, MITRA from France. 

Within the framework of the dissemination and information for the Volunteers and Youth workers about the project European Social Entrepreneur,all partners  utilize their network and share information concerning the progress of project ( social media, local events) in order to keep all the interested parties informed on the activities of European Social Entrepreneur-ESE project and ensure their involvement in future steps, assisting them in that way exploiting  opportunities in the labor market. In the name of these activities partners CCIF Cyprus held a meeting at KEPLI office in Pafos in October 22, 2019. 

«We have spread the goals and objectives as well as the expected results for this ambitious project and explained that the aim of the project is to disseminate good practices at a Europe level.» 

There was information and discussion about empowering young people especially Youth with fewer opportunities, through the development of tools that will improve their knowledge in the field of social entrepreneurship.  

The Volunteers of CCIF Cyprus, after the Invitation from the Youth Board of Cyprus and IDEP, attended Erasmus + info day. More than 200 hundred attendees were informed by CCIF Cyprus about all the current Erasmus + Programs.  European Social Entrepreneur was among those projects. The event was hosted in Nicosia, at the conference center Filoxenia in December 11, 2019.  

The feedback received was very good for both meetings. 

If you are interested in our project and request more information you could visit our project’s website: 

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