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The Miracle of Mindfulness in Ageing Adults

The Miracle of Mindfulness in Ageing Adults

Biologically speaking, ageing results from damage accumulation at the molecular and cellular levels over the years. As we grow older, age limits our physical and mental capacity and increases disease risk. Unfortunately, age and time are never kind to live beings, and they are unavoidable. Eventually, we will all become old and frail, but it is in our hands to slow down the effects of ageing.

To this end, living a life full of mindfulness can do miracles. Mindful living can help us develop a positive mindset towards ageing and be proactive in supporting our well-being. This article will explain the concept of mindfulness, explore its benefits to ageing adults.

What is mindfulness?

The state of being present in the moment is referred to as mindfulness. You are mindful whenever you direct your consciousness to what you are experiencing – your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. Every human being can be aware of and focused on the present moment, but this does not come naturally. Our minds are fantastic at reliving the past and making up stories about the future. And the modern world provides lots of distractions to keep us from being present in the moment.

The benefits of the miracle of mindfulness

Mindfulness is a valuable skill for everyone to have. However, it looks like older people can benefit more from it. Here are some of the most significant benefits of mindfulness:

Lowers stress levels

Stress is a typical issue among older people as they try to balance many things in their lives. Especially when people go through significant changes in their lives, like being close to retirement age, they become worried and anxious. Living a stressful life can negatively impact someone’s life and lead to more severe health problems like heart disease. That is why it is vital to have your stress levels under control.

Mindfulness activities are a miracle drug for relieving stress. As you get more accustomed to mindfulness activities and practice regularly, it will become easier to handle stressful situations and calm down.

Boosts memory

As we grow older, our memory tends to get worse. That is why we need to keep our mind busy and exercise it regularly to keep it sharp. Mindfulness living can improve the state of our brain and memory. Additionally, mindfulness meditation prevents Alzheimer’s and dementia, which many older people seem to suffer from.

Improves cognition

Many cognitive processes, including attention span, alertness, and logical reasoning, can be strengthened by mindfulness. According to research, mindfulness activities physically modify the brain by increasing the volume of grey matter, especially in areas of the brain responsible for learning and memory.

Makes you happy

Mindfulness can help with the symptoms of sadness and other mood disorders that are frequent among older people. Even if you don’t have a mental health problem, practising mindfulness can help you get in a better mood. Mindfulness activities encourage you to focus on the current moment rather than worry about the past or the future, making you feel happier and calmer.


Life is too short to live an unhappy life. The past should remain in the past, and we should be looking towards the future with eagerness despite the difficulties. Yes, there may be times that we feel that things are out of our control, but that’s not entirely true as our experiences prepare us for what is coming. While being present and focusing on the now instead on the past or the future can make us stronger, healthier, more resilient and prepare us mentally to deal with any setbacks in our lives.

The Mindful Ageing EU project

If you’re interested in learning more about the importance of looking after yourself, how to maintain a positive and healthy mindset, to learn about tools such as mindfulness, clinical hypnosis, meditation and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and discover the importance of good nutrition and physical activity, reach out to the team Mindful Ageing.

Mindful Ageing is an ERASMUS+ EU project with the primary objective to help older people, from before retirement age and after, develop a positive mindset towards ageing and take an active approach to well-being. This type of ‘preventative medicine’ can help them combat feelings of isolation and loneliness developing later, by engaging older people in learning and social activities.

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