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The Summary Needs Analysis on ESG in Rural SMEs for ESG4SMEs Project is Out

The Summary Needs Analysis on ESG in Rural SMEs for ESG4SMEs Project is Out

The consortium of the ESG4SMEs project is happy to announce that the “Summary Needs Analysis Report on ESG in Rural SMEs” is finally completed.

This report contains interesting findings on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Education and Training programs in the five project participating countries: Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, and Slovenia.

This research will be crucial for the project’s next steps and deliverables. Before going into the details of this report, let us introduce you to the ESG4SMEs project.

A Few Words About ESG4SMEs Project

The ESG4SMEs project seeks to develop an ESG Manager job profile for rural SMEs to facilitate their transition to a sustainable economy.

This involves conducting a needs analysis and creating a key competencies framework to establish a specialized curriculum for the ESG Manager role.

The project’s objectives include supporting professional development for rural SMEs, enhancing skills development for VET learners, and establishing a certification process for the ESG Manager role that will be recognized at the EU level.

The ESG4SMEs project focuses on developing ESG competencies and skills within rural SMEs, seeking to contribute to sustainable economic growth and promote sustainable business practices in rural communities.

The Importance of the Needs Analysis

This research will serve as the cornerstone of our project, guiding all of our future activities and outputs.

Following a chronological approach, our objectives include:

  1. Evaluating the current state of ESG practices in the agricultural and food sector
  2. Identifying challenges and opportunities in implementing ESG practices in rural SMEs
  3. Tailoring a profile for an ESG Manager to meet the specific needs of rural SMEs
  4. Designing a curriculum for training ESG Managers in rural SMEs
  5. Investigating tools and techniques SMEs employ to assess and enhance their ESG performance through comprehensive data analysis.

Let’s now look at the main findings of the summary needs analysis report conducted by ESG4SMEs.

Insights from the Summary Needs Analysis Report

The desk research conducted in Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, and Slovenia reveals that ESG education and training programs vary significantly.

While some programs offer comprehensive ESG education, there is a lack of alignment among participating countries.

For instance, Cyprus boasts specialized diplomas focusing on ESG offered by the Corporate Governance Institute.

Meanwhile, vocational training programs in Germany mainly focus on environmental aspects, while academic institutes in Greece offer primarily introductory programs. Italy struggles to find dedicated academic courses for ESG expertise. Lastly, in Slovenia, the adoption of ESG practices in rural small businesses is still in its early stages, with educational programs on ESG principles in business operations just beginning.

Regarding essential skills for practicing ESG across all countries, market knowledge of reporting frameworks, industry-specific expertise, and communication skills are paramount.

The main roles overseeing ESG initiatives involve developing strategies, conducting risk analyses, ensuring compliance, and promoting organizational sustainability.

4 Field Research Highlights of ESG Implementation in SMEs

  1. Common Challenges: SMEs across countries face hurdles in understanding and integrating ESG practices due to limited resources, complexity surrounding ESG concepts, and resistance to change. Additionally, clarity regarding reporting obligations and legal compliance strategies is lacking.
  2. Practical Training Focus: SMEs benefit from practical training tailored to their needs, including guidance, case studies, and tools. Access to support systems like funding and technical assistance is crucial for successful implementation.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement: Effective stakeholder engagement and communication are vital for building trust and collaboration around sustainable initiatives. Involving employees in decision-making processes fosters a culture of sustainability within SMEs.
  4. Potential Benefits: Despite challenges, adopting ESG practices offers numerous benefits, including improved competitiveness, attractiveness to investors, risk minimization, and loyalty-building with stakeholders.


This is just a small sample of our findings. The Summary Needs Analysis Report on ESG in Rural SMEs provides much more invaluable insights into the current landscape and challenges of ESG practices across participating countries.

By addressing these challenges and emphasizing the importance of practical training, stakeholder engagement, and recognizing potential benefits, the ESG4SMEs project aims to pave the way for sustainable economic growth and enhanced ESG implementation in rural communities.

Download the Summary Needs Analysis Report on ESG in Rural SMEs now to gain deeper insights and contribute to the journey towards a more sustainable future for SMEs everywhere!

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