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Social Media: The Threats While Using Social Media Accounts

Statistics show that 2/3 of the global internet population visit social networks.

Official data registrations of 2017 show that everyday social media users overcome the 1 million, which means 14 new users each second.

So, as it ‘seams’ social media provides “privacy”, control of the communication and interaction to users. But, at the same time creates a proper environment for threats and crimes.

The course titled “SAFE AND CONSCIOUS USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA”, developed by Institute of Entrepreneurship Development in cooperation with universities and organizations on IT fields from Spain, Portugal, Poland, Italy and Turkey, aims to provide the necessary skills in how to follow the innovations, developments and changes in social media and how to deal with the risks of social media.

After completing the course, the learners will:

  • use their rights to communicate on the internet,
  • be able to criticize and question when using social media tools,
  • be able to decide whether the information on social media is right or wrong, useful or harmful, safe or dangerous,
  • be able to show correct attitudes and behaviors when using social media tools,
  • be aware of the ethical consequences of online conduct,
  • use the technology in a way that doesn’t harm others,
  • show right attitudes while sharing something and encourage others in this direction,
  • produce solutions to compensate for mistakes when they are faulty (who are using social media for commercial purposes)
  • be conscious of the citizenship sense and value of EU, be motivated to participate in non-formal education and training programs of EU projects in the future

To receive the training material, please email us at

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