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Training of trainers based on the training material titled “Entrepreneurship for ROMA”

For years, social exclusion of ROMA people has also lead their exclusion from the labor market. More and more ROMA been unemployed because of the social conditions.

The solution to that problem has come through the European Project titled A new ENTRance – Development of innovative instruments for promoting entrepreneurship of Roma, that aims at the promotion of ROMA Entrepreneurship using innovative ways. Basically, the innovation of the project is based on the training material for the entrepreneurship to ROMA people. This material is adapted in order to fulfill the entrepreneurship needs of ROMA, by using fast and simple teaching methods.

In the training activity that took place in Kiskunhalas of Hungary, from the 17th to the 30th of September, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development was represented by the participants: Magia Chouleva and Nektaria Kontoudi. There were also participants from the Municipality of Larissa, Germany, Hungary and Romania.

The participants got knowledge in the field of the history of ROMA population, and also got basic skills and training ways to transfer the knowledge. The following step of the project is the training of the ROMA population, based on the training course developed within the framework of the project from Institute of Entrepreneurship Development.

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