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We develop tools, methodologies and other products for Youth!

PIC no: 998069182

Youth are Europe’s future, but they are also a group easily affected by economic and social change. Currently, youth unemployment in the EU 27 constitutes one of its most important challenges, as it is a staggering 23,5% and rising.


Here at the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, a Greek organization, we invest in developing tools, products and methodologies that empower youth as their struggle to find their place in the ever changing European society and its demanding labor market. These tools allow them to gain valuable skills and dexterities, certify their existing skills, train and retrain in areas of interest and grow personally and professionally.


Some of the tools and methodologies that have been developed within the framework of European projects and we currently have at our disposal, are indicatively the following:

  • Professional profile for the young entrepreneur.
  • Online distance training curriculum on entrepreneurship for youth.
  • Certification for Youth workers in NGOs.
  • Toolbox, practical guide and e-learning platform for discovering and assessing the competencies of disadvantaged youth or youth with immigrant background.
  • Toolbox for the assessment of social skills in order to enhance employment possibility.

These tools are available to any European organization working in the field of youth, in order to be further adapted and/or processed. We would be more than happy to share them with your organization and maximize their potential!

Share our vision and work with us to improve the situation of youth, Europe’s future!


For more information, get in touch!

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