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Workshop: The Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Diverse Democratic Perspectives Through Gender Perspective

Workshop: The Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Diverse Democratic Perspectives Through Gender Perspective

Institute for Entrepreneurship Development – iED is organizing a transnational workshop entitled “The Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Diverse Democratic Perspectives Through Gender Perspective“, on Tuesday 18 June 2024 in person at the JOIST Innovation Park in Larissa.

The workshop brings together experts and stakeholders to assess research findings, develop policy recommendations and explore the gender dimensions of the impact of the pandemic in different countries across Europe.

The workshop takes place as part of the European project ‘HEARD’ and is conducted in English.

About the Workshop

The recent unprecedented pandemic COVID-19 experienced by humanity has deeply affected societies worldwide and revealed the unpreparedness and inability of governments to cope with crises of this scale. Taking urgent decisions in conditions of limited time and information often sidelines democratic dialogue and citizen participation. This reasonably raises concerns about the functioning of democracy, the protection of human rights and the work-life balance of women.

Participate in debates, gain knowledge on the research methodology and contribute to the formulation of resilient and inclusive solutions to global challenges.


Time Topic Speaker
10:00-10:05 Welcome speech Dr. Maja Pucelj 
10:05-10:20 Examining the impact of the pandemic  
The analysis of research results of HEARD project 
Dr. Maja Pucelj 
10:20-11:00 Good practices of handling the pandemic across different European countries  
Dr. Maja Pucelj, Nevena Dobreva, Justine Coatmellec, Foteini Sokratous, Adrià Vila, Maria Justo Priego, Hans Anderson 
11:00-11:15 Coffee break  
11:15-12:00 Policy Recommendations  
-Q&A and Open discussion 
Dr. Maja Pucelj 
12:00-14:15 Roundtable invited experts 
Experts share their insights and perspectives on the research findings/ policy recommendations and insights into handling future pandemic situation. 
Moderator: Dr. Maja Pucelj 
Speakers: Gaël Evano-Vautrin, Eva D. Bahovec, Miguel José Araújo de Barros, Hans Anderson, Valeria Scardigno  
14:15-15:00 Final Conclusions and Closing of the Event 

About the Project

HEARD focuses on the impact of the pandemic on democratic dialogue, fundamental rights, work and women’s lives through a gender perspective. The central idea of the project is that the way to tackle the pandemic should be the result of the participation of social stakeholders, civil society and the decision making bodies of each state. With the participation of partners from 9 different European countries, the project wants to measure the impact of the pandemic on the rule of law, democratic values and fundamental human rights, with a focus on the rights of the citizens of each state.

The project is funded by CERV “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values” European programme that seeks to support and develop open, democratic, equal and inclusive societies based on human rights and the rule of law.

How to Participate in the Workshop

To participate in the workshop “The Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Diverse Democratic Perspectives Through Gender Perspective” on Tuesday 18 June 2024 at JOIST Innovation Park in Larissa, fill in your personal details in the registration form.

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