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Women and Girls in Science: Towards the Fulfillment of a Greater Resolution

Women and Girls in Science: Towards the Fulfillment of a Greater Resolution

On 22nd December 2015, February 11th was declared the International Day for Women and Girls in Science. An international day of remembrance that women and girls can be significant contributors in science as well. However, the meaning, that this day conveys, is far more profound.

Sustainable Development Goals: Number 4, 5, and 8

The United Nations has set seventeen (17) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to achieve by the year 2030. SDGs will be applied in a universal level; and, the overall aim is to fight against poverty; and, head towards a sustainable global stability.

Among these seventeen (17) SDGs are the following:

  • SDG Number 4: Towards a just quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. This is a goal to ensure that education will be accessible to everyone, from all walks of life. Furthermore, it encourages lifelong learning.
  • SDG Number 5: Equality between genders, and empowerment for all women and girls. This SDG wants to assure that the future will be inclusive and equitable for the entire spectrum of genders.
  • SDG Number 8: Heading towards an inclusive and sustainable economy; with employment opportunities; and, decent work for all. In particular, this goal is about a sustainable financial state, in which everyone will be included; everyone will have decent employment opportunities.

A Day for Women and Girls in Science: Α Day to Remember

February 11th, is a day to remember that equality, in terms of participation, in the fields of science, technology, and innovation, should become a fact, for women and girls of all ages. However, for the aforementioned event to happen, it is imperative to work on the root of the problem. The underlying barrier is the limited access to education, training, science, and technology. Finding a solution to this obstacle will lead to decent employment opportunities for women.

Hence, to greater extent this chain of events will gradually lead to another chain of events:

  • Women to become contributing factors to Science;
  • An inclusive future;
  • Women will improve their well-being;
  • Equality between genders will be achieved, among others;
  • The foundation will be set for an equitable education;
  • Contribution to sustainable development, among others.

Thus, it is not just a day for women and girls in science. It is about something greater, with a global impact. It is about a new direction, towards an equitable world.

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) celebrates the International Day for Women and Girls in Science, and the deeper meanings it conveys. In addition, our institute is partner to European projects on this subject, such as: “E-STEAM: Equality in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics” and “Women Making Waves: Enhancing Female Leadership Skills”

If you would like to contribute on this subject, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We want to contribute to noble causes.

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