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VET Squared: Reinforcing the VET Learning Experience

VET Squared: Reinforcing the VET Learning Experience

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) presents VET Squared. It is a European project that acknowledges the importance of upskilling and the opportunities of VET mobility, to the learners. This project attempts to reinforce these activities by safeguarding them. It will bring together partners from five different countries: United Kingdom, Italy, Greece, Hungary, and Spain.

VET Mobility Safeguarding Quality Charter for Europe

This Erasmus+ project, that acknowledges the significance of VET mobility; and, how it contributes to professional enhancement. In order to safeguard VET mobility opportunities and their service quality, the project aims to accommodate pertinent charter, to be applied, during the mobility activities. In addition, among the project’s goal is the creation of a European network that will function in a supportive manner, to VET learners. It aims at the development of a mobility process, that is safe and complies to a certain set of standards, both for host and sending countries.

The VET Squared Design of Objectives

The project’s plan includes the implementation of safeguarding best practice, in a pan-European level, among the participating VET organizations. The aforementioned goal, is divided in the following objectives. A set of standards must be created, in order to form a safeguarding strategy charter, for host and sending VET organizations to comply with. Promote and raise awareness of the significance of this initiative and its application. Finally, the creation of a massive network of European VET institutions that will be able to exchange good practices, resources, and knowledge.

The Overall Aim

The VET Squared goal is fragmented into four (4) key deliverables. The creation of a VET mobility safeguard charter, and a VET mobility safeguarding benchmarking tool. Furthermore, a platform of pertinent content will be developed, along with a VET mobility safeguarding policy recommendation report.

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is excited with the launch of this project, and fully supports its aim. The Institute is an active participant in a great number of European projects of pertinent content. However, if you would like to contribute to this project, do not hesitate to get in touch with our staff.

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