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Adult Learning Benefits: Outlining their Role in the Contemporary Era

Adult Learning Process

With the advent of the 21st century and the rise of technology, new and complex needs have emerged in the labor market and in society as a whole. By the phrase Adult Learning benefits, we mean any effort that adults make to educate themselves, whether in a more formal way (admission to a school) or in an informal way (computer courses), which is proving useful in responding to the growing needs of the economy.

Education has major influence on changing individual lives. The main pillars of Adult Learning benefits are summarized below:

Mental Stability – Personal Growth

Learning is not only about professional development. The journey to knowledge can also change someone’s personality. When we learn new things and receive information, the human mind is alerted and there is no risk of stagnation. People who “train” their minds on a daily basis are more likely to have increased productivity and at the same time mental stability.

Thus, completing a course for adults increases a person’s self-confidence and sense of purpose. By setting goals, we achieve our goals and overcome all kinds of difficulties, and on the other hand, when they are engaged in something that suits their personality, it motivates them to become more practical, creative and, of course, happy.

Social Relationships – Communication Skills

Among Adult Learning benefits we must consider participation in classes, workshops, or online communities. There, you can meet new people with similar interests to yours. This creates opportunities to develop your social network, which can make important friendships and professional partnerships.

Furthermore, by exposing ideas, participating in discussions and working on group projects with people from different disciplines, communicational and organizational skills are developed. That takes a person out of comfort zone by cultivating an ease in public speaking situations. It is a fact that an adult has largely formed his personality by a certain age. When they find people with the same interests they communicate more easily. However, we cannot overlook the opposite case. When we meet people of different interests and opinions, we can accept more easily new values and innovations. That values can prove to be beneficial to oneself.

Correspondence in Market Needs – Economy

We are living in a century characterized by technological achievements and rapid socioeconomical developments. The needs of the labor market have increased dramatically, and, in most cases, they require specific expertise. Continuous adult education can be a key factor in enabling adults to meet today’s challenges.

An economy with a skilled workforce can generate new job opportunities. Some examples include starting a business, freelancing and employment as an employee, thus strengthening economic prosperity.

Adult Learning BenefitsConclusion

Adult Learning benefits are undeniable and multi-dimensional. In modern times the adoption of lifelong learning is no longer an option but a major necessity. Whether you want to grow on a personal level by expanding your knowledge or on a professional level by looking forward to upgrading your career, learning is the safest and smartest choice. iED, as an actor in implementing European projects in Greece, dynamically supports Adult Education by including relevant projects, that are currently underway.

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