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Battling violent extremism. Finding the root of the problem

If a person is to turn on the television today or check out the news online, they are most likely going to find themselves in front of an article talking about extremism, violence, rasism and other similar topics. Civil wars, religious wars, and territorial conflicts are constantly bringing this problem back to life. Violent extremism is destroying communities. Unfortunately, although this problem is considerably far away from the European area, it is more or less, affecting Europe as well.

One of the ways that, these problems are affecting the European Union is through the influx of migrants on a daily basis. People that cannot handle the war or the territorial conflicts are simply moving away from their country and trying to find a better life. Europe is certainly a place to do that but, the European area cannot support millions of migrants as good as they would like to.

It is not just about supporting the migrants. It is about actually finding a way to solve the problem. Violent extremism has been around for a very long time and unfortunately, the root of the problem goes a lot deeper. It is not just about people wanting new territories. It is about the way people perceive each other. It’s about religion and the way people can misunderstand it from time to time. Misinterpret it and use it for all the wrong reasons.

The big European frameworks like the Horizon 2020 are all about scientific research. At the same time, however, they do have their eyes on fixing important social problems as well. Finding the root of the violent extremism problem is most certainly one of the major social problems nowadays. And yes, this frameworks definitely have a way of helping.

Through scientific research on the social and cultural sciences, scientists will be able to locate the actual root of the problem. By going through historical facts, cultural facts, religion or facts, comparing them to one another and testing them all over again they will be able to understand exactly why people are using violence against each other in order to gain territories or to simply impose their own beliefs regarding religion, ethics and pretty much everything else.

The scientists that will be part of these projects will have to be professionals on the field, will have to spend countless of hours going over facts and data over and over again in order to create a scientific map towards the solution of this problem.

If you want to learn more about the ways the European Union wants to help solve this problem then all you have to do is simply check out the project under the Horizon 2020 framework that has been specifically created in order to combat negative social phenomena like violent extremism. The information will help you understand why this is such an important matter to be solved and how it can benefit the European Union and the European society alike.

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