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Active and Healthy aging services in the European Area

The elderly are considered to be a vulnerable group for the European Union. There are many actions that have been taken over the past few years to facilitate them as much as possible. However, with the speed that life evolves every single day, with all the new data entering our daily life and changing it, it is reasonable to assume that the elderly are having trouble adjusting to modern technology.

However, it is very important for them to be able to age in an active and healthy way in order for them to be able to integrate into the new ways. Luckily, the European Union has already been taking actions in order to achieve the integration needed. And the most important reason for these actions to be taken is to simply make sure that elder people around Europe will be able to survive on their own, within their home.

Services that can help the elderly

Active and healthy aging services around the European area are actually aiming at just that. Being able to give the elderly the opportunity to have access to their medicine or help even if they do live alone. However, for that to happen there are two important factors that need to take place first. The first one would be for the technology to actually evolve to that level. The level where elder people would be able to easily use technology in order to always be safe even if they live alone.

The other factor would be for the elderly to actually learn how to use that technology. Due to the fact that, the generation gap is quite large at the moment, especially with technology evolving the way it is, a lot of elder people do not actually know how to use modern technology that will be able to facilitate them on a daily basis. Educating the elderly is most certainly important nowadays, especially when it comes to technology.

Organisations all around Europe have taken on the difficult task of not just developing and evolving technology that way but also inform and educate the elderly on exactly how they can use that technology to their advantage. Big financial frameworks like the Horizon 2020 European framework are focusing on developing the technology and making it easy-to-use for all elderly out there.

Europe is going through change. Everything needs to be developed and evolved to the next level. As a vulnerable group, the elderly need extra care and attention. Active and healthy aging can be achieved through this big framework and proper cooperation between partners that will create the perfect learning environment for all the people and the perfect environment for the evolution of technology to facilitate life as we know it.

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