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Crystallizing the Digital Future of Work

Crystallizing the Digital Future of Work

We are heading towards a technological era that will be pertain to digital future of work, among other aspects of our lives. Technological advances will be at the employees’ services, by taking on low priority tasks. The aforementioned fact, is adding up to new configured job descriptions with high priority tasks. Hence, the job market will be reshaped.

Digital Advancements: Towards a Digital Future of Work

Automation technologies are applications, that it is in their design to provide services; and, in the meantime contain zeroing the human interference in the fulfilment of the task. These digital inventions benefit the workflow, as they are materializing the task efficiently by minimizing the time of the operation. In addition, these digital applications will reshape the role of employees and their tasks, as the latter will not contain low priority tasks. Therefore, the workforce’s profile will adapt to the new reality.

Mapping the Needed Skills for a Technological Future

The job market is changing into a new digital landscape. It appears, that tasks that are characterized by repetition or that do not need critical thinking, will be ancient history. Hence, employees’ new roles will be founded solely on human skills that promote critical and creative thinking skills. In addition, the workforce will have to cultivate skills, such as: analytical thinking; problem-solving skills; skills related to resilience; emotional intelligence; and, self-management.

Deciphering the Forthcoming Change

This hybrid workforce will reshape the job descriptions; however, how will it benefit people on a personal level? Since tasks will rely on human skills, potential employees will have to cultivate creative and critical thinking, and elements that will contribute to their personal development. In addition, the significance of wellbeing and mental health are highlighted, in the present. Imagine, how the new work circumstances, such as having the necessary means for remote working, would enhance the focus on our wellbeing and mental health.

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) observes the digital future of work and will brief you on the subject. Our institute is an active participant to a number of pertinent European projects. However, your contribution is important for us. If you would like to share your vision regarding this change, do not hesitate to contact us.

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