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Defining professional orientation for everyone

professional orientation

If we take some time to think about the world of business nowadays we are going to realize that, in many different cases, having a degree from a university, college or any technical institution does not necessarily make one appropriate for a job.

Requirements of today

Nowadays business owners have a lot more requirements from their employees. It is completely reasonable to assume that, spending years and years of studying to collect papers can be quite frustrating. At the same time, you are never sure if you will be able to find a job with your qualifications. Over the past few years, there is such a thing as overqualified for the job.

Professional orientation appears to be the key and the solution to this problem. By definition, professional orientation is the process of which a person may go through various professions to find the one that is going to suit them the most. However, professional orientation has a lot of different aspects that need to be defined before a person can take professional orientation classes and go through the entire process.

The right professional orientation

Professional orientation is usually separated into two different sectors. The first sector or better yet first category is the professional orientation focusing on popular professions. In most schools nowadays, professional orientation focuses on showing children with professions are the most popular ones and as a result, will provide them with the most resources.

A different sector of a professional orientation is profession focused. For example, a lot of schools are dividing professional orientation classes into theoretical professions and technical professions. Not everyone can or want to follow a theoretical career or a technical/practical career.

You learned throughout your life

Now, professional orientation is something that most people think about when they are at school. And of course, the school years are going to help you define your future. It is then when you are starting to learn about new professions and you can understand exactly what it might be that you want to do with your life.

However, in the future, as you grow older and even during your working days, you still might find yourselves in need of professional orientation. Not to be confused with work-based learning, professional orientation is a process that will help you lean towards a specific type of job not get expertise in sectors within that job.

Are you not happy with your job?

For example, if you are currently working as an employee for retail but you are not satisfied with what you do, professional orientation will be able to give you access to information regarding other professions that you might not know about but be quite skilled for. By learning about those professions, you will be allowed to enhance your current skills and follow them. However, by simply focusing on a specific sector of a specific profession to become an expert at it, that is work-based learning and it is usually something that comes after professional orientation.

Where to find the best professional orientation?

Luckily for you, as an adult, you will have the opportunity to be part of many conversations, many events and you will be given a lot of opportunities to find out more about new and exciting professions that you might be interested in doing. For example, everything nowadays is going digital. Professional orientation towards the digital professions is most certainly something that will be able to inform you about the kind of professions that will be able to provide you with quite a lot of resources in the future.

If we were to help you then we would probably recommend you enrolling in as many classes as possible, going to as many events as possible and finding your local co-working space. Co-working spaces are usually able to organize a lot of events for younger people most of which could be about professional orientation all work-based learning.

Practice and learn

These types of events are going to be able to provide you with enough information for you to make the educated decisions of the kind of professional you will want to follow. Remember that, a higher education degree will be able to give you certain expertise but in most cases, you will gain your expertise from practical exercise.

You want to become a marketeer but you did not go to college to study and become one. Take classes online, start taking small steps, perhaps create your own social media brand or a website, and see how it goes. Experiment and try to gain expertise. After professional orientation, this is the step that you will want to take to apply what you have learned and decide what it is that you want to do for a living.

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